Keep up with what is going on in your store and find out which potential improvements to focus on - using your sales statistics.
If you're using one of our store plans and have published your website, then you can already benefit from your store statistics. It would be optimal if your online store has been running for a while so that sufficient data is available for evaluation.
Viewing your sales statistics
- Log in to your Jimdo account
- Click on Statistics in the left menu, then click Sales
- Choose whether you'd like to have a closer look at Orders, Products sold or Sales
- Furthermore, adjust the time frame for the statistics and decide whether you'd like to view the history of the last year, the last month or the previous week
- Take a look at the different graphs and expand the menu underneath to see the opportunities that could propel your business to the next level
Moreover, you can also view a ranking of your products. Have a look at your most or least popular products and from there you might draw conclusions that could influence your sales strategy. Here you can also expand the menu underneath and thus receive our tips for your products.