If you want to move your domain from Jimdo to another provider, you'll need something called an 'AuthCode'. This code is what your new provider will use to start the transfer process.
Getting your AuthCode
Please follow the steps below to obtain your AuthCode :
- Login to your Dashboard
- On the left, go to Website builder and then click on Domains
- Click on the three dots (⋮) next to your domain and select Transfer domain
The code will be immediately sent to the AdminC email address, which is the email address you used to register the domain.
If you don't find the email, please verify your spam folder and ensure that you're logged into the correct email account (AdminC)
For more details, please check our AuthCode help center page: Guide: Get my domain's AuthCode
- Emails: once you launch the transfer of your domain, any email services associated with your domain will cease. To continue receiving emails, you'll need to link your email account to your domain using your new service provider.
Domain: If you want to continue using your domain with your Jimdo site after the move, you need to set up a forwarding with your new provider first. Then, please contact us so that the domain can be reconnected to your Jimdo site. Without this reconnection, the forwarding will not work.
- Contract cancelation policy: please also note that transferring your domain doesn't automatically terminate your Jimdo contract. If you wish to cancel your subscription, please follow the steps outlined in this article: How do I cancel my Jimdo subscription?