If you're looking to transfer your domain to or from Jimdo, you'll require an AuthCode. This unique code is typically provided by your domain host.
Below, we've outlined how to obtain your AuthCode, depending on where your domain is hosted.
If your domain is registered with Jimdo
If your domain is registered with Jimdo, please follow the steps below:
- Login to your Dashboard
- On the left, go to Website builder and then click on Domains
- Click on the three dots (⋮) next to your domain and select Transfer domain
Shortly afterward, you will receive an email containing the AuthCode for your domain to the AdminC email address. Please keep in mind that this is the email address that you used to register the domain.
When using the AuthCode, please ensure that all letters, numbers, and special characters are copied in the exact order. Also, keep in mind that the validity of the AuthCode depends on your domain extension.
Didn't receive your AuthCode?
An AuthCode is always created when following the steps above. If you are unable to find the email containing your domain's AuthCode, consider:
- Checking your spam/junk folder to find the email containing your AuthCode. If you still can't find the email, please try the steps mentioned above again.
- Updating your AdminC address. If the AuthCode was sent to an outdated email address or if you want to receive it in another email account, then please contact our support team.
If your domain is registered with another provider
You can request the AuthCode for your domain directly to your external domain provider. Please reach out to your current provider's support team or find out how to get the AuthCode from their online help.