Once you have begun the transfer of your domain, you can easily monitor its status by going directly to Website Builder > Domains of your Dashboard.
Below, you will find a comprehensive overview of the various status messages that may appear after you have transferred your domain.
Domain Status
Linked |
Your domain was successfully connected to your Jimdo website. |
Domain transfer in progress |
Your domain is being transferred. In most cases, this status should change within 5 to 7 working days. |
Incorrect AuthCode |
Your domain's AuthCode is incorrect. This can happen for a few reasons, most often the AuthCode has expired or there was a typo when the AuthCode was introduced. We suggest you contact your domain provider and ask for a new code. |
Incorrect Data |
The personal data you have provided for the domain transfer is incorrect. Please fill out the form again and ensure that your data matches the current data at your domain host. |
Domain locked |
Your domain is currently blocked for transfer. |
Transfer rejected (NACK error) |
NACK stands for not acknowledged. This means that your current domain host rejects the transfer. Please contact the support team of your domain host for more details. |